Hinch, Craig, SGT

 TWS Ribbon Bar
 Police Photo   Service Details
2207 kb
View Time Line
Last Rank
Last Primary Specialty
NRC-Narcotics Unit
Primary Unit
2006-2011 Lake Charles City Court Ward 3 Marshals Office, LA/ Reserve Unit
Previously Held Specialties
MCP-Motorcycle Unit
PSP-Patrol Supervisor Unit
FTR-Field Training Unit
CDU-Civil Disturbance Unit
RES-Reserve Unit
Service Years
1980 - 2006

 Official Badges 

Firearms Instructor (Blue) Pistol Expert (Bar) Rifle Expert (Bar) Shotgun Expert

Patrol Rifle Instructor Patrol Rifle Qualified Winged Wheel A Motorcycle Officer

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Veteran Pin Special Operations SRT

High Risk Warrant Service Field Training Officer F.T.O. (Green) Accident Specialist Emergency Medical Technician

CPR Certified Gang Specialist Instructor Operations

D.A.R.E Program Court Services Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Rita

Chaplain-Christian Masters Degree Crisis Intervention Team (Louisiana) Medal of Valor

 Police Awards and Commendations 
Federal Awards
Not Specified
Departmental Awards
1981, Officer of the Year Medal
1982, Medal of Valor
1982, Medal of Merit
1983, Medal of Merit
1983, Lifesaving Award
1984, Award of Merit
1984, Intoxilyzer Operator Medal
1985, DWI Task Force Medal
1985, DWI Task Force Medal
2001, Tactical Unit Service Medal
2006, 25 Year Service Medal

 Other Languages 
 Prior Military Service 
Not Specified

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

Home Country
United States
United States
Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by S/PO Rick A Welch (RECON) ) to remember Hinch, Craig, SGT.

If you knew or served with this Officer and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Contact Info
Home Town
Lake Charles, LA
Last Address
Lake Charles, Louisiana

Date of Passing
Apr 10, 2011
Location of Interment
Prien Memorial Park Cemetery - Lake Charles, Louisiana
Wall/Plot Coordinates
Prien Memorial Park Cemetery

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Lake Charles Lodge # 8Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)Calcasieu Parish
  1980, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), Lake Charles Lodge # 8 (Lodge Member) (Lake Charles, Louisiana), Lodge Member - Chap. Page
  1983, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F) - Assoc. Page
  2000, Louisiana Sheriff's Association, Calcasieu Parish (Member) (Louisiana), Member - Chap. Page

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

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Craig Hinch Passed away and went to be with the creator in which he believed with all of his heart on April 10, 2011.  Craig had been diagnosed with a rare disease (Lou Gehrigs). He fought tooth and nail for about a year after knowing he had the illness.

Sgt. Craig Hinch.  One of this Nations finest Police Officers began his Career of over 25 years in a most influential manner in 1980.  Born June 10Th, 1960, Craig was big brother to 3 sisters, Ginny, Penny, Billy-Jo, born to Parents William (Bill) Hinch, (Marine) who has preceded Craig in death, and Jinny Varette Hinch (School Teacher). One brother not born to the same parents, "Ricky A. Welch Sr. Loyal Friends/brothers since 1981. Craig was raised in the Lake Charles area, and grew up with Christian Beliefs. Craig's spirit left this earth with a very strong belief in God almighty from the living room of his and his wife Dianne Fiske Hinch's home after fighting the uphill battle with his illness

Craig brought to the marriage two beautiful, and bright daughters, one who has preceded him in death, (Haley), and the surviving daughter Kati. Dianne brought two handsome and talented sons to the marriage which Craig adopted and raised as his own, indoctrinating them in his beliefs, and knowledge, and gaining their respect at every chance he found available, Shane Hinch, and Derek Hinch and his wife Tiffany (aka Another Craig loved  and called his daughter), with grandsons Luke and,Cole, and granddaughter Morgan.  Craig was the proudest father, the proudest Grandfather, The proudest Husband, The Proudest Police Instructor, The proudest Police Officer, The most Patriotic American, The most Loyal friend. He never stopped praising his Fathers accomplishments, his children's accomplishments, and his good friends, who he worked with on the Police Department and Sheriffs Department.  You always felt welcome in Craig's home, in his company, and everyone was his friend.  I was lucky to be his brother in spirit, as well as best friend(.Craig adopted me as his brother).  Cute.   I miss him, but I'm not the only one who miss's Craig.

All of these miss him also, Craig's City, his Community, his Church, his Family, his partner, and all people he talked to.  May he rest in Peace with the Great Lord Jesus for Eternity.  Those who believe look forward to that day.

Honor, Dignity, Pride, Loyalty, Discipline, Tenacity, Knowledge, Integrity, Judgment, Character, Leadership, Compassion, Moral Conduct, these are a few of the things Craig represented for his Community, and his Family. Nothing less, than a great loss of a man who posessed inspiration, and fortitude.

I'd like to take a side note to the fact, that Craig shared lots of personal things with me, but it was no secret, he loved his children with the maximum amount of love that could be contained within ones self.  Much like God loves us all.  A Monumental man and father, but not without imperfections as we all have some.  

When you read this Shane, Derek, Tiffany, Kati, I want you to understand that I've never seen a prouder, and more excited man when it came to talking about you all, and your accomplishments.  He'd even brag on me.  I had to make him stop. I know he'd kill 10 men to protect you and those precious little children you made for him and your Mom. 

Dianne, Oh My God, Craig wasn't perfect emotionally, but in the aspect that no matter what faults he may have had, that only you know.  His heart was absolutely filled with love and sole devotion to you.  So Honorable in that aspect from an onlookers viewpoint. You know, I know some things, but I'll tell you what, I have never in my life seen a man more pure, in thought about his wife than he was with you.  Both of his eyes were on you at all times.  Even when you were in the other room.  You couldn't stick a razor blade between him and you as for as a fit.  Thank you for being such a fantastic wife and partner for Craig.  And Craig so loved your parents as well.

A Look back:



Tibute April 13th 2012.

This day is one year since we all laid our "Great Man" to rest.  Let's see, What's New". We still all miss Craig tremendously. And I know there's not a day that has gone by we haven't laughed, or cried about a certain moment we keep special in our hearts with Craig.  Spring has come again, and we still bare the sadness of that loss only a years gone by.  We thought we might not make it this far, but we did, and we are all getting stronger. 

During this past year, we've had some ups, and yes some lows.  Out families have made it through difficulties once again, but this time without Craig to help.  We think how would he have helped, and you know what he would of said or done.  Though Craig was a complex individual, he inspired those who had the bad thing to deal with because his words gave you strength to endure.

If anyone ever held a gruge against my brother Craig and is reading this, I want you to stop and think a moment!  Is Craig's wrong to you worth carrying to the grave?  Is he here to protect his self, does he know?  Wouldn't he be sorry?  I can answer for him.  Yes Craig is sorry for any wrongs. 

We should never completely judge a man for the one wrong he does in his life, as he is learning day to day how to build his character.  I spoke to him a few weeks, and also a few days before he left this place.  Craig had a concern on his mind about a loved one having a doubt in his remorse, for the wrong he did toward that person.  Believe me when I say peace is made, and certainly the death of this Great man ends all debts to this earth.

Hey Craig my buddy, we all love you here.  You rest in peace, and until we see you again, or if I make it to next year to give another tribute to you my brother.  Wait for us.  We'll see you soon.

May 8th 2014
Well I'm back for another visit to my best friend and brother Craig Hinch's memorial site.  Hi Craig, I love you man.  I know we use to laugh at that saying, but mean it just as much.  First heard it on that movie Beverly Hills Cop When Eddie and his buddy were sitting at the bar.  I've got a lot of memories about you that don't go away.  life is so short, and it is very lonely without the people you love and care about.  I've never met another like thinker as much as you and I were.  We did go our seperate paths for a while at one time, but we never lost touch.  Thank you so much for being my friend and sometimes big brother. You're a hell of an achiever. Please save a spot for me up there with the Lord.  I'll talk to you again in 2015  

Other Comments:

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I Have known Craig for 30 years.  I hope to recognize,  and to share with you, the breadth of  Craig's achievements and service to his community and some Police Patrol stories as well.  

Craig was my training officer on my first night as a Lake Charles Police Officer.  That night in itself was a momentous occasion with spectacular events.. 

I showed up for work on December 10th 1981, in my crisp new uniform, new leather, and old model 10 Smith & Wesson Firearm, "Which was Marine Corps","Inspection Ready".  My badge was shined, my bullets were shined, sporting my bright name tag. Spit shined shoes.  New baton, flashlight, and ink pin.  I studied all the Codes, and Police Jargon etc.

Corporal Craig Hinch at the time was assigned the task of making me a real Policeman. (It was politically correct at that time to say).  I had made myself comfortable while waiting at the front desk of the Police Station that cold winter night.  I could hear the radio click, and Cpl Hinch spoke on the Police Band radio, "Unit 36 to H.Q., I'll be 10-6 at the Station picking up my new partner".  My heart started beating more rapidly, the anxiety was increasing with every one of Cpl Hinch's steps through the Hallway leading to the front desk.  I could hear him getting closer and closer, and then he appeared from around the corner and centered himself on the front desk/ There stood a magnificant looking Police Officer with as much pride. " With a grin, his pronounced chin in the forefront. And said, "Are you Officer Welch?".  My throat was dry, but I managed to open my mouth and say, "Ah Yes, Yes sir Cpl."  He said, "I'm not a sir, "I work for a living'.  "Let's go".  I had already stood up and I walked around the desk and followed Corporal Craig Hinch down that Hallway for the first time.  I can remember the experience as if it were last night.

Cpl Hinch immediately began to test my knowledge by asking me several questions, while gauging my capabilities, and character.  He had heard I was a Marine Sergeant, and that I was a Pentecostal Church Member.  Now and then a question about the Marines, or about the Pentecostal religion came up.  Cpl. Hinch seemed to relate to my experiences, and my beliefs.  This would later evolve in to a lifelong friendship based on these talks, and the future experiences together.

After going over the nomenclature of the vehicle, the shotgun, and every aspect of the Patrol Unit, Cpl Hinch allowed me to ask him questions based on the job at hand.  We had already did a bike report, and wrote a couple of tickets, gave a jump start to a stranded motorist, and it was now about 1:30a.m.  The radio cracked, and H.Q, dispatcher said,"Unit 36, this is H.Q." With Cpl Hinch's request, I used the radio as instructed and said,"This is 36 to H.Q. ", "Go Ahead". H.Q. say's, "Unit 36 be in route to 308 Bank St. for a signal 37". I said 10-4.  I asked Cpl Hinch what was to be expected with this signal 37, He said it could be anything from a cat in a tree to a murder. 'You never know".  We proceeded to the address at the posted  speed.  

As we pulled close to our dispatched destination, I looked to my right, I could see a house on fire. A man running up to me out of breath said, Help, and as I rolled my window down he said, Sir, there's a crazy naked guy on the front porch of that house standing there shouting crazy things.  I grabbed the radio, and informed dispatch of the fire, and the need of an ambulance. Cpl. Hinch and I jumped out of the Patrol Unit and ran toward the subject on the front porch of this large Southern Style Home which was in the Garden District of the City.  Without hesitation, or direction and with the heat from the flames warming our faces we approached the subject who was actually nude, standing there with flames coming out from each window on the front porch.  He had only a pair of Tony Lama cowboy boots on, and was shouting out that he was God.  Simultaneously 30-06 rounds started cooking off from inside the house. Then all of a sudden the 2" thick electrical cable that had been running above and across the roof of the house burn't in half.  The power cable fell to our feet and into a mud puddle.  The puddle caused the power line to crack and spark.  We both ran past the electrical cable jumped up on the porch and subdued the victim who was protesting our interference.  We physically strapped him down onto an arriving ambulance gurney while he resisted.  Both of us were without words at the time to admit what we were looking at.  The victim had severed his Penis and Testicles,  The sight was horrific.  Loosing blood profusely Cpl Hinch commanded the EMS to apply a gauze direct pressure to stop the bleeding.  The ambulance in Awe  did as asked, and assumed control, soon they were rushing the victim to the hospital.  Cpl Hinch and I were left to figure this out what had happen. Later Detectives showed up, and additional units.  (We later found out the young man was with friends and had consumed a  mushroom tea.  His friends nailed his Penis to the wooden floor with a 16 penny nail, and left him there after setting the house on fire. The victim decided to remove his genitles with a nearby butcher knife to escape with his life.)

Another Senior Officer named Keith Holland arrived and we sat in his Patrol Unit and discussed what happened on our call with him.  I sat in the back seat.  It had begun to rain a few minutes before and being wet made it pretty smelly in that back seat.  Cpl Hinch looked at me suddenly and said,"Welch did you Fart".  I denied it, but all 3 of us began to laugh.  Then I was asked to sum up all of this which had happened tonight.  I said, "So this is Police Work Huh?  Cpl Hinch chuckled.  The friendships began to grow that night.  

That was my first night on the Police Department with Cpl Craig Hinch.

                                                        More to Come!



  Family & Friend Events over the years.
Jan 1, 2011

Last Updated:
Jan 13, 2012

Craig's loving family and friends

My Photos From This Event
Tiffany, Craig's Daughter IN-Law

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