Doyle, William, TPR

 Police Photo   Service Details
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Last Rank
Primary Unit
1962-1967 New York State Police, NY
Service Years
1962 - 1967

 Official Badges 

American Flag National Law Enforcement Memorial Pin

 Police Awards and Commendations 
Federal Awards
Not Specified
Departmental Awards
Not Specified

 Other Languages 
Not Specified
 Prior Military Service 
Not Specified

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

Home Country
United States
United States
This Military Service Page was created/owned by TFC Phillip M Hanners, Jr. (684) to remember Doyle, William, TPR.

If you knew or served with this Officer and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Casualty Info
Last Address
Birth: Jun., 1940
New York, USA
Death: Dec. 14, 1967
New York, USA

New York State Trooper killed in line of duty by two escapees from Marcy Psychiatric Hospital during a traffic stop.

End of Watch
Dec 14, 1967
Cause of Death

 Badge Display
 Unit Assignments
New York
  1962-1967 New York State Police, NY
 Additional Information

Trooper William Doyle was shot and killed while pursuing a stolen car. The car had been stolen from the Griffins Air Force Base by two escaped mental patients. When they stole the vehicle a loaded .270 rifle was inside the vehicle. As Trooper Doyle pursued the stolen car one of the suspects opened fire, shattering the front and back window of the patrol car, killing Trooper Doyle. Trooper Doyle's body was found by his brother, who was also a trooper working in the same district.

One suspect later shot and killed the other suspect because he wanted to hold his wife and children hostage. The second suspect then surrendered.

Trooper Doyle had been with the agency for five years.

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