Chestnut, Jacobs, FO

 Police Photo   Service Details
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Last Rank
Federal Officer
Last Primary Specialty
EPU-Executive Protection Unit
Primary Unit
1980-1998 US Capitol Police - Dignitary Protection Division, US Capitol Police, DC/ Executive Protection Unit
Service Years
1980 - 1998

 Official Badges 

U.S. Air Force Veteran Pin Military Service American Flag

Air Force Air Police Air Force Security Police Badge (1960-1966) National Law Enforcement Memorial Pin

 Police Awards and Commendations 
Federal Awards
Not Specified
Departmental Awards
Not Specified

 Other Languages 
Not Specified
 Prior Military Service 
US Air Force (1960-1980)

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

54 kb

Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by LT Edwin Sierra (U-200) to remember Chestnut, Jacobs, FO Police(Ret).

If you knew or served with this Officer and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Casualty Info
End of Watch
Jul 24, 1998
Cause of Death

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Air & Space Forces Association (AFA)Vietnam Security Police AssociationChapter 1In the Line of Duty
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF)
  1980, Air & Space Forces Association (AFA) - Assoc. Page
  1980, Vietnam Security Police Association
  1985, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Chapter 1 (Washington, District Of Columbia) - Chap. Page
  1998, In the Line of Duty, Fallen Member (Honor Roll)
  2013, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), Member At Large

 Jul 24, 1998, Murder Charges Filed in Capitol Rampage, Washington, DC
Name of Incident
Murder Charges Filed in Capitol Rampage
Jul 24, 1998


District Of Columbia
District Of Columbia

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Last Updated:Apr 14, 2013
Personal Memories

Other Information
From the Shootings to the Investigation
These Post stories retrace events related to the fatal shooting of two U.S. Capitol Police officers on July 24, 1998. A national display of mourning over the slayings of the officers started in the Capitol Rotunda and ended with their burials at Arlington Cemetery. Also, follow the ongoing investigation into the motives and illness of suspect Russell E. Weston.

Investigation | Shooting | Aftermath | Tribute | Burial


Many Express Thanks, Support for Hill PoliceWith two of their number murdered, the U.S. Capitol Police were getting shoulder squeezes, handshakes and hugs.

Capitol Begins to Honor Dead; Suspect's Condition ImprovesWashington prepared a tribute to officers Jacob J. Chestnut and John M. Gibson as the suspect in the U.S. Capitol shooting continued recovering.

In Congress, Tributes Take PriorityLawmakers face a crushing workload before Congress adjourns on Aug. 7, but the Capitol shooting has prompted them to put business aside.

Slain Officers' Bodies to Lie in Capitol RotundaCongress will pay an unprecedented honor to the Capitol Police officers Tuesday. Meanwhile, the suspect's condition was upgraded to serious.

President and Public Honor Capitol HeroesTwo slain U.S. Capitol Police officers were venerated by the nation's leaders and thousands of people who marched somberly into the Rotunda.


Chestnut's Family Mourns, Prepares for Service A week of ceremony, cameras, cards and flowers and sympathetic words from the president of the United States had passed, and the family of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Jacob J. Chestnut was left alone with its grief.

Escorted by a 14-Mile Cortege, Gibson Is Laid to RestOn freeway overpasses, they waved tiny flags as the long cortege passed. On the road below, they pulled over and climbed out of their cars. On the streets of a grieving capital, small children were hoisted onto their parents' shoulders to watch this last journey of a hero they never knew.

On Roads, Awe Instead of AngerWashington area drivers decided to take traffic jams and delays in stride Thursday as they pulled onto the shoulders of busy interstates and sat patiently on blocked city streets to watch the cortege roll by.

Paying Respects to the Two Who Paid the Price Public mourning over the slayings of two U.S. Capitol Police officers turned to private sorrow Wednesday as family, friends and colleagues of slain Detective John M. Gibson remembered him in silent prayer.

Officers' Funeral Processions Likely to Snarl Area TrafficThe funeral procession for slain U.S. Capitol Police Detective John M. Gibson will be at least 12 miles long as it travels a 35-mile route from Prince William County to Arlington National Cemetery.

Therapists to Evaluate Suspect in Hill KillingsAttorneys for Capitol gunman Russell Eugene Weston Jr. have won court approval to have him meet with a psychiatrist and psychologist at D.C. General Hospital, where he is recovering from bullet wounds.

Surviving Victim Describes Capitol ShootingAngela Dickerson broke her silence Thursday, recounting the fateful visit to the U.S. Capitol that transformed her from anonymous tourist to bit player in history.

A Week of Sorrow Comes to an EndA week of ceremony, cameras, cards and flowers and sympathetic words from the president of the United States had passed, and the family of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Jacob J. Chestnut was left alone with its grief.

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