Sorenson, Charles, OFF

 Police Photo   Service Details
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Last Rank
Primary Unit
1961-1963 California Highway Patrol - Headquarters, CA/ Patrol Unit
Previously Held Specialties
PTL-Patrol Unit
Service Years
1961 - 1963

 Official Badges 

American Flag National Law Enforcement Memorial Pin

 Police Awards and Commendations 
Federal Awards
Not Specified
Departmental Awards
Not Specified

 Other Languages 
Not Specified
 Prior Military Service 
Not Specified

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

Home Country
United States
United States
This Military Service Page was created/owned by TFC Phillip M Hanners, Jr. (684) to remember Sorenson, Charles, OFF.

If you knew or served with this Officer and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Casualty Info
End of Watch
Mar 15, 1963
Cause of Death

 Badge Display
 Unit Assignments
  1961-1963 California Highway Patrol - Headquarters, CA/ Patrol Unit
 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:


Bio & Incident Details

Age: 32

Tour: Not available

Badge # 2341


Cause: Gunfire

Incident Date: 3/15/1963

Weapon: Handgun

Suspect: Sentenced to death


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Officer Charles Sorenson was shot and killed while chasing two suspected armed robbers. 

He was on patrol when he spotted the suspect vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. He gave chase to the vehicle until it crashed and began chasing the suspects on foot. In an exchange of gunfire with one of the suspects, Officer Sorenson was shot in the neck and killed instantly. The two suspects then stole Officer Sorenson's cruiser and led other officers on a chase at speeds of 130 mph. The suspects were finally stopped when they rammed a police roadblock, killing Deputy Hale Humphrey of the Solano County Sheriff's Department. Both suspects, ages 18 and 16, were apprehended and charged in the deaths of both officers.

The 16 year-old suspect was turned over to the California Youth Authority. The 18 year-old suspect, who was the driver of the car and the gunman, was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death on September 17, 1963.

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