Dobler, Frank G.., PTL

 Police Photo   Service Details
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View Time Line
Final Rank
Last Primary Specialty
TEF-Traffic Enforcement Unit
Primary Unit
1943-1972 Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department, MO/ Traffic Enforcement Unit
Service Years
1943 - 1972

 Official Badges 

American Flag National Law Enforcement Memorial Pin

 Police Awards and Commendations 
Federal Awards
Not Specified
Departmental Awards
Not Specified

 Other Languages 
Not Specified
 Prior Military Service 
Not Specified

 Last Photo   Personal Details 

Home Country
United States
United States
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This Remembrance Profile was originally created by PTL Donald Kricho (Don) - Deceased
Casualty Info
End of Watch
Dec 02, 1972
Cause of Death

 Badge Display
 Unit Assignments
Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department
  1943-1972 Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department, MO/ Traffic Enforcement Unit
 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

Officer Dobler was directing traffic at the intersection of Sixth and Lucas Streets on December 2, 1972 when he was shot by a cab driver who assaulted the officer after being told to move his cab.


Officer Dobler was shot and killed with his own service weapon by a cab driver he had told to move. Officer Dobler was directing traffic at the intersection of Sixth and Lucas Streets when the cab stopped on a crosswalk to pickup passengers. Officer Dobler told the cabbie to move the cab to the curb to pickup passengers and shut the cab's door. The cab driver got out of the cab and assaulted Officer Dobler, pulled Officer Dobler's jacket over his head, and pushed him to the ground. During the assault he gained control of Officer Dobler's service weapon and shot him once in the head.

The suspect fled the scene in his cab. During a long series of shootouts with officers the man was finally arrested when his cab crashed after ramming a patrol car. The man was arrested but later hanged himself in his jail cell.

Officer Dobler had directed holiday shopping traffic at the intersection he was murdered at for 15 years. He had been with the agency for 29 years and was survived by his wife and two children.


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